What needs to be done before August 19th
1) Fill out 2019 Athlete Questionnaire (click on link & fill out)
2) Fill out Online Athletic Forms (click on link....Parent AND athlete BOTH must complete)
- Log in with Infinite Campus log-in information (please make sure to choose boys cross country)
3) Complete Physical Cards (Green OR Yellow card)
- Check in the athletic office if you are unsure which one you need for '19-'20 school year
- Green Card must be from after April 1st 2019 and on file at JMM to count towards this Fall
- Green Card must be from after April 1st 2019 and on file at JMM to count towards this Fall
4) MANDATORY Parent AND Athlete attend Spartan Sports Kickoff on August 1st at Madison Memorial @ 6:30 - 8:00pm
- this is where you can turn in physical cards, athletic fees, team rules, etc..
- Summer Running meets at 8:00am Mon - Fri at Jefferson Parking Lot and Sat at Military Ridge Trail
Everyone will run 30+ minutes of continuous running the first day of practice
First Day of Practice
Monday August 19th
8:00am in Lower Team Room
(enter by fieldhouse & follow signs)
(enter by fieldhouse & follow signs)
MUST have all paperwork completed PRIOR to practice to participate
We will go for a run (30+ minutes of continuous running) on the first day of practice....have your running shoes and a watch
Parent Meeting 6:00pm
Wisconsin Neighborhood Center @ JMM
Parent Meeting 6:00pm
Wisconsin Neighborhood Center @ JMM