Madison Memorial Boys Cross Country

Madison Memorial Boys Cross Country

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Upcoming 2022 CC Season

 Things to do this summer to prepare for the fall 2022 boys cross country season at Madison Memorial

1) RUN - Get out & run...take a teammate with you
*Summer running group will meet at 8am @ Madison Memorial (Jefferson parking lot)

2) Fill out the Athlete Questionnaire (provides contact info to coaches)

3) Fill out Online Athletic Forms (Parents AND Athletes BOTH must complete - use Infinite Campus log-ins)

4) Turn in Physical Cards (Green or Yellow Card)
- Green card = physical from a doctor after April 1st, 2022
- Yellow card = alternate year card...IF you turned in a physical to Madison Memorial in 21/22 school year
- our athletic director -

5) Attend Spartan Sports Kickoff - Thurs July 28th @ 6:30pm (Virtual)

First Day of Practice = August 15th, 2022
8:00am @ Madison Memorial HS
Must have all PAPERWORK completed before practices begin!
We will go for a run on the first day of practice...have your running shoes & watch!
EVERYONE will run 30+ continuous minutes or running the 1st day of practice...make sure you are ready

Summer Training Options

The more you do during the summer the easier it will be to reach your goals during the season.
Consistency and building from week to week are essential to a successful fall.

June 13th - August 12th (M-F) - Summer Running @ Memorial (Jefferson Parking Lot) - 8:00am
June 13th - July 22nd (M, T, R, F) - Summer Speed & Strength @ Jefferson

June 24th - 26th - Luther Distance Running Camp
July 10th - 14th - UWSP Middle/Long Distance Camp
July 11th - 14th - MMC Summer Distance Camp
July 17th - 21st - UWW Cross Country Camp
July 17th - 21st - UWEC Cross Country Camp
August 1st - 4th - UWO Cross Country Camp

Wisconsin Track Club Summer Series - June 16th, 23rd, July 7th, 14th, & 23rd
July 28th - Full Moon Run 5k
July 30th - Waunafest 10 Mile/5k
August 13th - No Fear All Fun 5k
Get Signed Up Today
Take a Teammate with You!

