With the largest team in boys cross country history, JMM Boys CC had an exciting intrasquad this Saturday. We set a record of 55 finishers at intrasquad. Nearly half the runners (26) were competing in their first cross country race...ever.
The CORE won its first intrasquad championship with 406 points, outdistancing the Warhawks 462 and Thundercats 467. Jordan C. repeated as individual champion. Our varsity was spread out over 2 minutes and we will need to close that gap as the season goes along. We have great depth again this year, just like last season we had 15 athletes under 21:00 (with the 16th at 21:01) this depth will help lead the competition we will need to improve as a team throughout the season. (Complete results and times will be posted in lockerroom on Monday)
I like to see the hard work we have put together as a team leading into the intrasquad race. If we can keep this work up throughout the season we will see many large improvements in PRs throughout the year (starting as early as next week). It is exciting to see the potential our young team has for this season.
Check out pictures from Intrasquad by clicking on the "2010 Pictures" Picasa Web Album (in the right hand column)
NEXT COMPETITION -- September 4th
Verona Inviational @ Verona High School
No Bus --> Arrive at 7:30 am
9:00 Boys Varsity (last years results)
9:40 Girls Varsity
10:20 Boys Junior Varsity (last years results)
11:00 Girls Junior Varsity
11:40 Open Race (parents welcome to race...it is free)
12:30 Awards Ceremony (top 2 teams, top 40 individuals in varsity, and top 30 in JV)
August 31st - 9th Grade Athletic Code Meeting (Required for athletes AND parents) 7:00pm
September 1st - School Begins -- Practice Time 3:45pm - 6:00pm
September 2nd - 11th Grade (and NEW 10th/12th grade athletes) Athletic Code Meeting (Required for athletes AND parents) 7:00pm
Saturday, August 28, 2010