Congratulations...although are team still was short of our team goal (averaging 12 cards per kid) Boys CC did improve upon last years Spartan Card sales...THANKS to all athletes and parents who helped in selling Spartan Cards. We sold $8,340 worth of Spartan cards and had 5 athletes who sold 20 + cards.
Additionally, recently the Madison Metropolitan School District has been gaining attention for their inclusive schooling policies. The inclusion of students with special needs in the mainstream classroom is not a national policy but one that is very important in MMSD. Equally important is the ability for our athletic programs in Madison to include students of all abilities. Cross Country has been available to many kids over the years and I am proud to tell parents and community members that our program serves students of all ages and abilities. Due to this inclusion our program has been included in some recent articles and newstories. THANKS to all those who support what we are attempting to accomplish on a regular basis for all kids.
New York Times article
WKOW News story
Wednesday, August 25, 2010