Saturday, August 28, 2010
CORE Wins Intrasquad
The CORE won its first intrasquad championship with 406 points, outdistancing the Warhawks 462 and Thundercats 467. Jordan C. repeated as individual champion. Our varsity was spread out over 2 minutes and we will need to close that gap as the season goes along. We have great depth again this year, just like last season we had 15 athletes under 21:00 (with the 16th at 21:01) this depth will help lead the competition we will need to improve as a team throughout the season. (Complete results and times will be posted in lockerroom on Monday)
I like to see the hard work we have put together as a team leading into the intrasquad race. If we can keep this work up throughout the season we will see many large improvements in PRs throughout the year (starting as early as next week). It is exciting to see the potential our young team has for this season.
Check out pictures from Intrasquad by clicking on the "2010 Pictures" Picasa Web Album (in the right hand column)
NEXT COMPETITION -- September 4th
Verona Inviational @ Verona High School
No Bus --> Arrive at 7:30 am
9:00 Boys Varsity (last years results)
9:40 Girls Varsity
10:20 Boys Junior Varsity (last years results)
11:00 Girls Junior Varsity
11:40 Open Race (parents welcome to is free)
12:30 Awards Ceremony (top 2 teams, top 40 individuals in varsity, and top 30 in JV)
August 31st - 9th Grade Athletic Code Meeting (Required for athletes AND parents) 7:00pm
September 1st - School Begins -- Practice Time 3:45pm - 6:00pm
September 2nd - 11th Grade (and NEW 10th/12th grade athletes) Athletic Code Meeting (Required for athletes AND parents) 7:00pm
Friday, August 27, 2010
Intrasquad is a glorified practice that is organized to expose the athletes and their families to the sport of cross country and the racing distance of 5 kilometers (3.1 miles). It is a relaxed environment for the runners to begin their season and an easy way for our program to determine our seven varsity athletes for our first invitational.
Who participates at intrasquad?
All athletes who have joined the team during the first week of practice, participated in at least five practices, deemed healthy and strong enough to complete the course, and attends practice on Friday before the meet. Also, the meet will be open to alumni and coaches to participate.
Why are there teams for intrasquad?
There are three teams (Thundercats, The CORE, and Warhawks) for intrasquad to help create a competitive atmosphere for the event and show the athletes the importance of every runner in the scoring of a cross country meet.
What kind of time schedule will occur for intrasquad?
6:45 am – All athletes must arrive or be dropped off at Elver shelter to warm up for race
7:45 am – Parents, family members, and friends should arrive at Elver to prepare to cheer
8:00 am – 5k race will start (Runners…run and Fans…cheer)
8:16 ~ 8:30 am – Racers will finish 5k race
8:45 am – Scores for race will be tallied and results will be shared
9:00 am – Athletes cool down and Parents meet with coach
Bagels and Lemonade will be available for athletes and parents
9:45 am – All finished (hopefully even finish a little earlier)
Do parents need to be there for the whole thing?
It is always nice to have support for all the young athletes and we hope everyone can make it out for the race. Each athlete must have at least one parent who can represent them at the parent meeting. Please contact Coach Casey at 219-7451 if no one can attend the meeting.
What happens if there is inclement weather?
The race will occur rain or shine. If there is lightning, the race would be postponed but all athletes should show up on time to receive further instructions.
What should the athletes wear on this day?
Each athlete will need to choose their own race outfit (most likely shorts and shirt/singlet); team uniforms will not be passed out for this race. Also, the athletes may compete in “racers” but should not wear spikes. If athletes only have “trainers” they should wear these shoes to compete. As for any meet, the athletes should have “warm ups” that they can wear to warm up and cool down in before and after the race. Warm ups should consist of something long sleeve (long sleeve shirt, windbreaker, or sweatshirt) and pants (windbreaker or sweat pants).
Questions or Concerns
Contact Casey 219-7451
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Additionally, recently the Madison Metropolitan School District has been gaining attention for their inclusive schooling policies. The inclusion of students with special needs in the mainstream classroom is not a national policy but one that is very important in MMSD. Equally important is the ability for our athletic programs in Madison to include students of all abilities. Cross Country has been available to many kids over the years and I am proud to tell parents and community members that our program serves students of all ages and abilities. Due to this inclusion our program has been included in some recent articles and newstories. THANKS to all those who support what we are attempting to accomplish on a regular basis for all kids.
New York Times article
WKOW News story
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Practice will be held at Pope Farm Park (Old Sauk entrance)

Get those SPARTAN CARDS sold!!!! Each athlete should try to sell at least 20 can be turned once all 20 cards are sold OR Wed August 25th at morning practice (8:00am).
Monday, August 16, 2010
Practice BEGINS
August 16th (Mon) 8:00 am – JMM 5:00pm – Elver (optional)
August 17th (Tues) 8:00 am – JMM 5:00pm – Elver (optional)
August 18th (Wed) 8:00 am – JMM 5:00pm – Elver (optional)
August 19th (Thur) 8:00 am – JMM 5:00pm – Elver (optional)
August 20th (Fri) 8:00 am – JMM 5:00pm – Elver (optional)
August 21st (Sat) 8:00 am – Hill Farms Pool * & Volunteering at Madison Mini-Marathon
August 23rd (Mon) 8:00 am – JMM (optional) 4:00pm - Pope Farm Park*
August 24th (Tues) 8:00 am – JMM 4:00pm – Elver (optional)
August 25th (Wed) 8:00 am – JMM 4:00pm – BLITZ @ JMM
August 26th (Thur) 8:00 am – JMM 4:00pm – Elver (optional)
August 27th (Fri) 8:00 am – JMM 4:00pm – Elver (optional)
August 28th (Sat) 8:00am - Intrasquad Athletes arrive at 6:45am
***Family Informational Meeting *** (immediately after race)
August 30th (Mon) 8:00 am – JMM (optional) 4:00pm - JMM
August 31st (Tues) 8:00 am - JMM (optional) 4:00pm - JMM
September 1st (Wed) School begins – practices after school 3:45pm – 6:00pm
September 4th (Sat) 9:00am – Verona Invite NO BUS – Arrive at 7:30am
September 6th (Mon) 8:00am – UW Arboretum *
*Additional information will come home about practices that do not occur at JMM or Elver