We headed to the Hadler Invite on Saturday in Menomonee Falls to see some competition from the SE part of Wisconsin. There are some good teams at this meet including Shorewood (ranked #2 in D2), Hartford (#15 in D1), and Waukesha West (#19). The Madison Memorial boys were up for the challenge as 29 athletes ran lifetime PRs and the team won the Varsity AND the JV competition. This is the first time since I've been coaching that we have won both Varsity & JV on the same day (it is fun). Our JV won the Hadler Invite for the third time while this was the first of hopefully many times for the Varsity team. Our squad has been working really hard in practice and it was nice to have the results and the places back up this hard work. We know we have more work to do to reach our season goals but it was nice to see many smiling faces at the awards ceremony on Saturday. Let's make sure to take care of our bodies, take care of business in the classroom, and get ready to go out and perform at more invites this season.

The JV boys ran a great race to set the stage for the day. Senior Jakob M took the lead midway through the race and never looked back as he won the race in a lifetime PR of 17:48. Rees ran a smart race and finished strong taking 2nd behind his teammate. I'd like to see our gap between our #2 & 3 be smaller but when our 3rd came it was with a wall of green JMM jerseys in support as we put our next 6 runners all between 7th and 13th. Charlie M (18:42) and Nick Z (18:46) earned top ten finishes. While Alex T (18:57), Felipe (18:57), and Diego (18:57) all broke 19:00 minutes and Tommy S closed out our top 8 finishers closely behind in 19:01. We scored 28 points to convincingly win over Hamilton who had 54 points. Other lifetime PRs include Alex Br (19:20), Owen R (20:11), Peter S (21:39), Ben A (20:53), Alex Ba (19:29), Aatman (20:51), Fred (24:39), Sai (26:34), David B (24:47), Owen B (22:30), Tommy H (26:35), Maccoy (25:37), PJ (23:43), Hunter (20:24), and Ian (19:45). This group continues to improve and I look forward to see big time drops and improved places as we continue on through the season. They continue to learn from their experiences, help each other out, and push each other to be better. Keep up the good work!

Varsity had a tough battle throughout the race but hung on to win the meet by 2 points. Every point counts in every race and today we were on the correct side of a close race. Jake Z ran a great PR taking 4th in the time of 16:37. Mick earned a top 10 finish with his PR of 17:00 while AJ was close behind in 11th in 17:03. Our gap between our #3 and #4 runners was too big and needs to close for us to meet our season goals but today we barely snuck it out. Henry B was our 4th in 17:40 with Jack G right behind him in 17:48. Jonathan B ran a lifetime PR of 17:58 with only 1 shoe on for most of the race...not bad. Alvaro (18:09) and Finn (18:18) got valuable experience in their first varsity races. They were the best #7 & #8 runners on the day and would have been scorers for all but the top 6 teams. This group has come a long way already in just one week and I look forward to what we can do later in the season. Keep competing and keep improving
Live Results (click on individual races)
Tuesday September 14th
Big 8 Grade Level Challenge @ Verona HS (Stewart Woods)
** Please note...bus & time changes! **
Early Release - 1:30pm
NO BUS -> Carpool from JMM to Verona HS
2:15pm - Arrive @ Verona (map)
3:30pm - Frosh/Soph Boys (2019 Results)
4:50pm - Jr/Sr Boys (2019 Results)
6:15pm - Awards - top 5 individuals in each grade level - team = lowest score of 7 runners
*Athletes should plan to be at the meet through the team cool down which will be completed around 5:45pm
Team Pictures - Mon 9/14 @ 3:45pm - bring uniform top & bottom for pictures
Grade checks begin this week...make sure you have your work turned in & keep up with assignments
Attendance - unexcused absences = sit a meet...get to class & keep those attendance sheets looking clean
Running Hats - $20 - only a few left...get one while they last
Smiley Invite has changed locations - It will be hosted at Wausau East HS
Bus time for the meet will be changing too (later...able to sleep in a little more) I'll post here when it is confirmed.
Race times will be the same & return home will be the same