20th (Mon) 8:00 am –
10:15am JMM 4:00pm – BLITZ @ JMM**
21st (Tues) 8:00 am – 10:15am JMM 4:00pm – Elver (optional)
22nd (Wed) 8:00 am – 10:15am JMM 4:00pm – Elver (optional)
23rd (Thurs) 8:00 am – 10:15am JMM 4:00pm – Elver (optional)
24th (Fri) 8:00 am – 10:15am JMM 4:00pm – Elver (optional)
Sell your Spartan Cards
Details & Prizes
** ALL Spartan Cards & collected money should be turned in at morning practice on Monday 8/20...then ALL athletes should return to school at 4:00pm on Monday to "Blitz" our remaining goal (probably somewhere between 3 - 6 cards)....kids should plan ahead to carpool for this event so they can sell cards Monday from 4:00pm - 7:00pm.
IF it is raining...bring umbrellas (thunderstorms...meet at 4 and we will make a different plan)
FINAL Boys CC Team Blitz Sunday 8/26 1:00pm - 4:00pm @ Olson Elementary
(for athletes who have not sold 9 or more cards by this date)
Details & Prizes
** ALL Spartan Cards & collected money should be turned in at morning practice on Monday 8/20...then ALL athletes should return to school at 4:00pm on Monday to "Blitz" our remaining goal (probably somewhere between 3 - 6 cards)....kids should plan ahead to carpool for this event so they can sell cards Monday from 4:00pm - 7:00pm.
IF it is raining...bring umbrellas (thunderstorms...meet at 4 and we will make a different plan)
FINAL Boys CC Team Blitz Sunday 8/26 1:00pm - 4:00pm @ Olson Elementary
(for athletes who have not sold 9 or more cards by this date)
THANKS to all the volunteers at the Madison Mini-Marathon
Good start to the season! It is important to remember we want to build off of each day of practice with consistency in our running. This occurs when we stay healthy and take care of our bodies. Make sure you are developing good habits in stretching, eating, fluid intake, and sleeping. The work we do over the next month will determine how successful the season will be for each individual. We look forward to our first 5k of the season on Saturday at Elver Park for our annual Intrasquad/Alumni 5k.
- Bring a water bottle to practice to rehydrate after runs
- Bring a lock to put on a locker...then bring extra dry clothes to keep in locker
- Bring a lock to put on a locker...then bring extra dry clothes to keep in locker
- EVERYONE needs a watch!!!!!!