Full write up
Varsity & JV
(all runners ran in one race...then results were split by the computer)
Saturday October 14th
Big 8 Conference Championships - Lake Farm Park
Bus - 7:30am
9:30 - 1st Race
10:05 - Boys Varsity (2016 Results)
11:10 - Boys JV1 (2016 Results)
12:20 - Boys JV2 (2016 Results)
1:00 - Awards Ceremony - Varsity - top 15 = medals, JV1 & JV2 - top 15 = recognition
***All athletes are expected to stay until the end of the meet...last meet of the year for many, we can all cheer each other on until the last runner finishes***
JV Athletes will turn in their uniforms at the meet on Saturday (bring a change of clothes)...if you are not running Saturday, turn in to Casey before Friday
Monday October 17th - Mandatory Team Meeting - 3:45pm - 4:15pm
Athletes will receive important end of the season information...MUST ATTEND!
Wed October 11th - Light of Life Walk - 6pm @ Mansfield Stadium
$5 to Casey before Tuesday (funds go to Cancer Research)...families are welcome to join and pay at the gates on Wednesday night
Captains Shirts - $15 pay to a captain
End of Season Coaches Gifts - $10 pay to a captain
Sunday, October 8, 2017