On Tuesday the Madison Memorial boys team headed back to Janesville for the Big 8 Split Meet where we took on teams from Craig, Sun Prairie, Beloit, & Parker. Some teams sat out some runners other teams ran their entire squad so it was hard to get a read on team scores but the individuals who ran got times and we could see some more improvement from individual runners. It is always hard to run two meets in four days and even harder to run it on the same course. Some kids excelled with the smaller fields and fewer fans and others missed the excitement of the Midwest Invitational. Regardless of improvement or not hopefully each boy was able to learn something about their racing and carry that forward into the last three weeks of the season. The boys team finished 2nd place behind Janesville Craig and had over a dozen season PRs and 5 lifetime bests. We head into the weekend at the Stoughton Invitational looking really strong and hope to compete well against some great teams.
Boys Individual
Boys Team
Saturday October 1st
Stoughton Invitational
Bus - 7:00am
9:00am - Boys Varsity (2015 Results)
10:00am - Boys JV (2015 Results)
12:00pm - Awards (Var - top 2 teams & 25 individuals, JV - top 1 team & 15 individuals)
- All City Pizza Party - October 7th @ Pizza Oven - $6.50 for all you can eat pizza and all can drink drinks - All-City & City Spirit Awards will be presented here....EVERYONE is encouraged to attend and you must provide your own transportation (we have NO return bus from City so that you can attend this event with your family)
- PSAT Testing is scheduled for October 15th at Madison
Memorial....athletes interested in taking the PSAT (usually juniors)
should contact Counselor Olson (alolson@madison.k12.wi.us) ASAP for alternate date & locations
- Big 8 Conference Meet will be hosted at Verona HS (this is a change of venue)
Friday, September 30, 2016