On Saturday afternoon the JMM boys cross country team descended upon DeForest HS in an attempt to earn a state berth to the WIAA State Meet. As a team we knew this would be difficult as only two teams qualify for state & Madison West, Middleton, & Sun Prairie had beat us just the week earlier at Conference. We had a game plan that was risky but could work to get our team to state. Our boys ran amazing at the beginning of the race positioning themselves so we had a chance to qualify to state. Unfortunately as the race wore on it was clear we would not be a top two team and state qualifier. The athletes hung tough and ran the race the hard way. We finished in 4th place even though we were ranked 5th among the teams competing at the meet today. I couldn't be prouder of how the athletes raced and hope that our young group of runners learned from this event. I want to give a big shout out to our senior captains Joe H, Ben B, and Calder B who led this group all year long both in competition and throughout every team event. These boys leave a group of dedicated & talented runners who will return with great experiences to take that next step in 2015 to help JMM return to state. Our group of Rory S, Luke V, Casey GT, Austin W, Joel F, & Jonas B join alternates Jack Z & Trevor R as a core for our team who will be hungry to return to sectionals next year a stronger and better prepared team. The dedication & work that we put into cross country over the coming months will determine whether or not we are one of the teams that can get out of this very difficult sectional next season.
This team has accomplished many great things this season and I am very proud of every runner who is a part of this team. I look forward to continuing to help all these young men mature & improve.
DeForest Sectional
ALL Sectionals
WIAA Information
JMM Fan Bus Permission Slip
Come out & support the JMM Girls CC team (bus will also arrive at Ridges in time to see D1 boys race)
- Please send pictures that can be used for an end of year slideshow to Coach Casey at school ASAP
- End of year banquet will be Thursday November 6th @ Rocky's ($10 per person - pay at door) RSVP to jmmcc@rocketmail.com
- Athletes who have not yet turned in $10 to captains for Thanksgiving Baskets & Coaches' Gifts...please do so ASAP
Saturday, October 25, 2014