The Big 8 Split Meet lands at a challenging time of the year. We use this meet as a workout and a stepping stone for our end of the season meets. I was very happy with how our team competed today. We have a few athletes who are nursing injuries and we need to take care of this as we move forward. Otherwise today was a very successful meet. We knew times would not be as fast as at Midwest (for a number of reasons...less competition, afternoon meet, it was a lot warmer, we just ran really fast on Saturday, etc..) but many of us ran our second fastest times of the season. We have set ourselves up for having a great race at Stoughton for more PRs. Today we finished in third place to Janesville Craig 25 points and Madison East 54 points. We had a nice pack that ran together and used the meet as a workout finishing with 60 points, outdistancing Sun Prairie and Beloit. We are waiting on complete results yet from the meet but by the naked eye our JV did a very nice job today representing our depth. The results are in...JV missed by one point (again) for that illusive perfect score (1st - 5th places). Our JV scored 16 points outdistancing Craig in second who had 67 points. This group continues to work hard and impress. We look for big things out of these guys come city and conference (and for the the coming years). Lets take care of business this week so we are ready to compete at Stoughton on Saturday.
JMM Times and Varsity Results
Complete results will be posted in team room
September 30th (Sunday) - Haunted Hustle Packet Stuffing (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED)
2:00pm - 3:15pm in Greenway Station (empty store next to Justice Girls Clothing) -- free food and drink provided
THANKS to EVERYONE for Light of Life Walk Donations...the Boys Cross Country team donated $430 towards cancer research!!!
Stoughton Invite - September 29th (Saturday)
Stoughton High School - Stoughton, WI
9:30am - Boys JV
10:40am - Boys Varsity
11:45am - Open Race (parents and families members can participate - FREE)
12:15pm - Awards - top 25 varsity and 2 teams, top 15 jv and 1 team
2011 Varsity and JV results
--We will not stop to eat...bring $ money for concessions, snacks, or eat when we get back
Tuesday, September 25, 2012