The second meet of a week is always a difficult race and add in that this week was homecoming week I'm surprised that we ran as well as we did in both races. It is now time to get focused for the end run...the biggest thing is GETTING MORE SLEEP. The coming weeks open up our championship series of running and we will need to run our best to compete with some of the best teams in the state. We know we are capable to compete with all of these teams when we hit on all cylinders and I look forward to seeing us put everything together these coming weeks.
Jonah W. ran a great race chasing down some of the top runners in the state and beating some runners he had loss to earlier in the year. Jordan B. and Ben A. returned to nice form to be in perfect spots for the varsity. We will need a couple more guys to be able to run around these guys to finish the season well. In the JV race we saw some nice performances up front as Nick H and Ryan W led the way for our squad. In JV just like Varsity we will need to close up our # 4 and 5 runners to ensure we score well at the end of the season. Every second and every place will be important in the coming weeks. As we return to the Dump I hope we can improve upon our times from the West Invite and really compete against each individual and each team.
Varsity & JV Results
Pictures added to the slideshow
NEXT COMPETITION - October 6th (Thursday)
City Meet Championships @ Yahara CC Course (The Dump)
4:30 Boys JV
5:30 Boys Varsity
City Banquet/Pizza Gathering @ Pizza Oven (on Monona Dr.) -immediatly following completion of meet...$5 for athletes and $6 to family members to Casey at the Pizza Oven for all you can eat pizza and drinks.
October 8th (Saturday) - Team Practice @ Zimmer CC Course (Verona)
8:00 am ~ 10:00 am -- Park in the first lot (NOT BY THE CLUBHOUSE)
Saturday, October 1, 2011