Our ONLY fundraiser this year is our annual Spartan Card fundraiser. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, we have an expectation for each student-athlete at Memorial to sell Spartan Cards to family, friends, neighbors, and anyone else in the community interested in donating/contributing to athletics at Memorial High School.
Each student-athlete is given cards to sell. The cost per card is $20 and checks can be made to Madison Memorial HS. For $20, purchasers get discounts to area businesses. Each athletic team is given a goal...this year, Boys Cross Country is expected to sell 12 Spartan Cards per athlete. If we reach this goal as a team before Wednesday, August 24th, we are done fundraising! IF NOT, we will go through a full team BLITZ NIGHT (AUGUST 24th from 4:00 - 7:00 PM). THIS EVENT IS A MANDATORY EVENT!
Prizes are given to athletes who sell 20 or more cards...i-pods, laptops, televisions, and more along with cash prizes. All prizes will be given out at 7pm on Blitz night.
Coaches will collect unsold cards and money at 8:00am practice on Wednesday the 24th (so we can see if we met our goal). If we need to BLITZ, ALL athletes should report to the Fieldhouse at 3:45pm for Blitz night...Mr. Ritchie will speak to all groups and then athletes will be given their cards to sell for the night and will need to provide their own transportation to sell for 3 hours. All athletes will report back to the Fieldhouse at 7pm with all money collected and unsold cards.
CLOTHING ORDER FORM (click link to see order form)
Forms will be sent home 8/22
Orders must be turned in by 8/27
All paperwork must be turned in before 8/26 for athletes to be included on our 2011 roster. Paperwork includes: Physical/Insurance cards, Team Rules, Cautionary Statement, and Athletic Fees ($115).
Parent meeting will be held at Elver Park on 8/27 following the Intrasquad Race (Approx ~8:45am). Parents must call Coach Casey and speak with him directly if they are unable to attend the Parent Meeting.
Sunday, August 21, 2011