Things to do:
1. Complete physical and insurance cards (green and orange OR yellow)
2. Complete paperwork: Cautionary Statement and Team Rules
3. Send contact information to
Include parent/guardian names, phone number, and mailing address
4. Recruit quality people to join us for this fall
5. Begin running – 8:00am at Jefferson Parking Lot (Mon – Fri)
6. Mark your calendar with the following (TENTATIVE) dates
15th – First Day of Practice 8:00 am
27th – Intrasquad (Elver Park) 8:00 am NO BUS 6:45am (Boys Only)
3rd – Verona Invite (Verona HS) 9:00 am NO BUS 7:30am (Boys Only)
8th – West Invite (Yahara) 4:00 pm Bus 2:30 pm
13th – Big8 Grade Level Challenge @ East (Warner Park) 4:30pm Bus 2:45pm
17th - Smiley Invitational (American Legion GC, Wausau) 8:30am Bus 6:30am
24th – Midwest Invite (Blackhawk GC, Janesville) 9:00am Bus 6:30am
27th – Big 8 Split Meet @ Sun Prairie (Sheehan Park) 5:00pm Bus 3:00pm
1st – Stoughton Invite (Stoughton HS) 9:30am Bus – 7:00am
6th – City @ Edgewood (Yahara CC) 4:00pm Bus – 2:00pm (No Return Bus)
15th – Conference @ West (Yahara CC) 9:10 am Bus 7:45am
22nd – Sectional @ West (Yahara CC) TBA am Bus - TBA am
29th – State @ Wisconsin Rapids (Ridges GC) 2:20pm Bus - TBA
Saturday Team Practices
August 20th (Hill Farms Pool) September 10th (Elver Park) October 8th (Zimmer CC Course)
Other Important Dates:
June 13th - Summer Running begins (8:00am at the Jefferson parking lot)
August 24th – Memorial Athletics card fundraiser (BLITZ) 4:00pm
August 27th – Family Meeting (following intersquad race)
August 29th - Athletic Code Meeting (11th graders AND parents) 7:00pm
August 30th – Athletic Code Meeting (9th graders AND parents) 7:00pm
September 11th - Ironman Volunteering 12:00pm - 4:00pm OR 4:00pm - 8:00pm
November 3rd – End of year banquet 5:30pm @ Rocky’s
Sunday, June 5, 2011