The weather cooperated but the ground was soft. The meet was not as fast as it has been in past years but there were still many PRs and Season Best (25 for the team) to go around. Our varsity struggled to get out in good position early in the race and hopefully has learned from this mistake. Our JV quickly took notes and did a much improved job of getting into the race early on and competing. We saw some tough competition in Stevens Point and LaFollette and will get many more shots at LaFollette in the coming weeks and hopefully one more shot for the varsity at Stevens Point (if we can make it to State).
Jordan C. had another very consistent race and Andy G, John H, and Jordan B. all ran season bests in the varsity. Benji and Aaron H. will chalk this race up as a learning experience and be better runners for this race happening now and not in 2 or 4 weeks. The third place finish earned our team another trophy, which is becoming more and more of the expectation (although we need to work on remembering to go shake the other teams hand) and we had multiple individuals earn medals.
JV was filled with PRs as the kids learned from the earlier race and were really excited to compete. We saw how dominate Stevens Point's JV was and visions of what we want our JV to look like in the future. I was happy to see so many teammates racing together. We have been working on this in practice and it is caring over into races. I am excited to see how much MORE time our JV kids can drop in the next two weeks. Time to go out and get some big PRs.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday - Light of Life Walk - $5 (to Casey) 5:30 -6:00pm --everyone participates (parents/families are welcome)
Friday - City Championship at Yahara CC Course
Boys JV-4:30pm
Boys Varsity - 5:30pm
Awards 6:00pm
NO RETURN BUS FROM THIS MEET (Athletes will ride a bus to meet but must be picked up by parents after the meet)
All City Banquet/Pizza Buffet - Pizza Oven on Monona Drive - 6:30pm
Athletes (all you can eat pizza) - $3
Parents - purchase pizza in the restaurant
Stoughton Results
Junior Varsity
PSAT is Schedule for October 17th @ Memorial (the day of conference)Students interested in taking it October 14th (Wednesday) should contact the following people ASAP to setup a test time
Madison East
Ann - 204-1723
Madison LaFollette
Linda - 204-3659
Monday, October 5, 2009