It was humid but the course held up nicely with the rain. We continue to make improvements with many athletes running PRs. Our varsity ran some awesome times (with still room for improvement) as we finished 4th as a team closing the gap on some Big 8 schools and beating some others. We know West and Craig will be tough, but now we know what they got and will work to chase them down. The JV had a tough race and had mixed results for times. We need to continue to learn to run aggressively and be willing to hurt. Our JV Team finished in 5th place. Overall a nice meet for our second race of the year.
Newspaper Article with varsity results
Next Race: Tuesday September 16th - Grade Level Challenge @ Craig
No School BUS TIME 1:45 pm
Frosh/Soph Boys 4:00pm Junior/Senior Boys 5:20pm Awards ~7:00pm
Friday, September 12, 2008