Congratulation to the 44 boys who have completed week one of cross country! We have battled heat and humidity to make it through a great first week. As the boys continue to work hard we hope to see improvement in both mileage runs and workouts. The boys will begin this week preparing for their first race (Intersquad) with some interval training to start learning pace.
Practice schedules change this week...refer to the schedule
Athletes should still be selling their SPARTAN is due by Wed August 27th. Each athlete should try to sell at least 20 cards. (Athletes who sell 20 cards recieve a FREE Memorial Sweatshirt, 2 FREE Spartan Cards, a pick from the cash bag ($5, $10, $20, or $100), and a raffle ticket to win a Wii gaming system...additionally the top sellers earn $2 per card sold)
Information is coming home about clothing orders...please discuss with your sons their options and return orders and money by August 30th.
Practice schedules change this week...refer to the schedule
Athletes should still be selling their SPARTAN is due by Wed August 27th. Each athlete should try to sell at least 20 cards. (Athletes who sell 20 cards recieve a FREE Memorial Sweatshirt, 2 FREE Spartan Cards, a pick from the cash bag ($5, $10, $20, or $100), and a raffle ticket to win a Wii gaming system...additionally the top sellers earn $2 per card sold)
Information is coming home about clothing orders...please discuss with your sons their options and return orders and money by August 30th.

All paperwork must be turned in by FRIDAY August 29th (the roster will close on this day, if you are missing will not be on the team)
Have a great weekend and happy running :P