The WIAA held its 2012 State Championships this Saturday at the Ridges Golf Course in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. This was the 25th year the event was held at the Ridges and the 100th running of State Cross Country. Many dignitaries were on hand to help celebrate the 100th anniversary including Madison Memorial's very own 3-time State Champion Phil Downs. Additionally, Madison Memorial athletes who attended the meet were able to spend some time talking with Phil and state meet course record holder Chris Solinsky. The weather was perfect for cross country on Saturday and the course was in great shape. The competition helped lead to amazing races, performances, and times throughout all the divisions.
Although JMM did not have any competitors at the state meet this year we were able to learn a lot about where our team ranks in the state. As we have talked about all year long, we do not shy away from competition and being in the city of Madison and the Big 8 Conference we can not avoid competition. When we learn to be competitive at the city, conference, and sectional level by default we will be competitive at state. Our last team trip to state (2009) the boys team was able to finish 2nd at city, 2nd at conference, and 1st at sectionals...this team took 6th (out of 20 teams) at that 2009 State Championships. At the 2012 championships the Madison City was represented by Madison West (state champions) and Madison LaFollette (state runner ups). Additionally, our conference was represented by Janesville Craig (7th place) and two of six podium positions by Ryan Nameth (Verona) in 3rd and Chandler Diffee (LaFollette) defending state champion and 5th this year. Overall our first team all-conference (top 7 guys) finished in the top 26 at state...all being recognized as all state runners. Teams that beat JMM at the start of the season (when we were semi-healthy) LaFollette (2nd), West (1st), Craig (7th), Baraboo (15th), and Wisconsin Lutheran (3rd in D2). Teams that we got beat by in the middle/end of the season (when we were missing some more key components) Stevens Point (3rd), Eau Claire Memorial (10th), Kimberly (12th), Wausau East (16th), a plethora of teams at Midwest. What does all this mean? If we can go to our invitationals all season long and be competitive, we will be ready at the end of the season to compete at state. Also, it means it is easy for us next year to compare to kids who were at state this year in our 2013 invites and see where we are ranking and how we need to improve.
RESULTS - (look at mile splits and places...very telling/interesting)
Boys Division One
All State Meet Results
More pictures added to Picasa Web Album (almost have them all up now)
November 1st - End of Season Banquet @ Rocky's - 5:30pm (RSVP to
November 6th - Begin Winter Speed & Strength Training - 3:45pm (lower weightroom)
November 7th - End of 1st quarter (get in all assignments, be ready for tests, end the quarter strong)
December 1st - Boys Cross Country WORKS Basketball Concessions - 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Sectional - Varsity = 6th
The 2012 season came to a close today for the JMM program with a great performance at Yahara CC Course as the team finished in 6th place. The team ran hard and performed well to bring a close to this up and down season on a positive note. Madison West (a trophy contender team at state) and Baraboo (a top ten contending team at state) earned the berths to compete at the Ridges next week in Wisconsin Rapids. Both of these programs are very strong and will be forces to be reckoned with in the coming years. Our team today competed great coming back to beat Middleton (who beat us at conference) and run well in the pack to stay ahead of many teams that were equal to our program. Coming into the meet we thought we would finish between 4th and 8th and I was very pleased with our 6th place finish. Our team today was led by James A with a great individual performance finishing 20th place. John H probably had the race of the day running a PR of 17:25, it is hard to believe just at city his goal was to break 18:00. Nick H capped a great senior season as our # 3 runner within 2 seconds of his PR and Bryce H held on to be our #4 runner. Tyler M ran a strong last straight away and finished in 45th as our #5 runner bringing a close to a great season of improvement (Tyler's PR last year was 18:36 on this course...he ran 17:45 today). Connor GT got some amazing experience in his first Sectional competition and will use it to help power this squad next season. Ryan W ended his senior season competing strongly wearing the JMM pride at his first sectional performance. Our team gap (#1 - #5) was great at :27 seconds and we had all five scorers under 17:45. This performance was very similar to our conference performance on a course that was softer and muddier and in my opinion slightly slower. The 6th place finish does not meet our team goals for the season but in the big picture accomplishes many things that this group of runners has worked hard to be a part of at Memorial
The big question from our underclassmen today was...How do we get JMM back to state? Let's look at the numbers...West's #1 - #5 gap was :32 but they put 5 runners under 16:49, Baraboo's #1 - #5 gap was :32 but they put 5 runners under 17:12. Our team gap was great today, as a team we just need to be faster. What does it take to run under 17:15? 17:15 is averaging 5:30 per mile (track guys...that's like running 11:00 for 3200 or faster) but also means being able to get out around 5:15 - 5:20 and hold on to run 17:15 (very few people to NONE run negative splits or even splits in cross is really hard to do!!!) So if we have five guys who can do this, will we make it back to state? NO West had 4 guys and Baraboo had 2 guys run under 16:45 (which was 10th place today). We would need 2 - 3 guys who can run under 16:45 to be competitive with these squads. What does it take to run under 16:45? 16:45 is averaging 5:21 per mile (track guys...that's like running 10:40 for 3200 or faster) but also means being able to get out around 5:15 and hold on to run 16:45. How do we accomplish these goals? Getting stronger, faster, and fitter....these things happen in the next 9 months when you are away from the cross country team. They happen with hard work, dedication, and purpose. As individuals we need to sit down and make a plan of how to make this happen. We will be given blue prints of what to do at the team banquet and throughout the school year. But how do we accomplish this?? That is the question....How bad do we want to go to state? West returns 4 guys from this team and have a very deep JV program, Baraboo returns 4 guys from this team including two 9th graders, East returns 5 10th graders from their team....these teams were better than us today, we can't just count on our 4 returners to get this team to state, we need to have improvement from all returning athletes and people to step it up to the next level.
Madison West Sectional
All WIAA Sectionals
- RSVP to for November 1st Team Banquet (@ Rocky's = $10 per person)
- Turn in uniforms to Coach Casey
- Turn in $5 to captains (for coaches' gifts and Thanksgiving Baskets)
- Attend Team Banquet to get information on Season Results, Team Certificates/Awards, and Off-Season Running/Lifting/Training options
Want to go watch state??
Talk to your captains as there will be some athletes heading to Wisconsin Rapids next weekend to watch the meet...Information on parking and shuttles
The big question from our underclassmen today was...How do we get JMM back to state? Let's look at the numbers...West's #1 - #5 gap was :32 but they put 5 runners under 16:49, Baraboo's #1 - #5 gap was :32 but they put 5 runners under 17:12. Our team gap was great today, as a team we just need to be faster. What does it take to run under 17:15? 17:15 is averaging 5:30 per mile (track guys...that's like running 11:00 for 3200 or faster) but also means being able to get out around 5:15 - 5:20 and hold on to run 17:15 (very few people to NONE run negative splits or even splits in cross is really hard to do!!!) So if we have five guys who can do this, will we make it back to state? NO West had 4 guys and Baraboo had 2 guys run under 16:45 (which was 10th place today). We would need 2 - 3 guys who can run under 16:45 to be competitive with these squads. What does it take to run under 16:45? 16:45 is averaging 5:21 per mile (track guys...that's like running 10:40 for 3200 or faster) but also means being able to get out around 5:15 and hold on to run 16:45. How do we accomplish these goals? Getting stronger, faster, and fitter....these things happen in the next 9 months when you are away from the cross country team. They happen with hard work, dedication, and purpose. As individuals we need to sit down and make a plan of how to make this happen. We will be given blue prints of what to do at the team banquet and throughout the school year. But how do we accomplish this?? That is the question....How bad do we want to go to state? West returns 4 guys from this team and have a very deep JV program, Baraboo returns 4 guys from this team including two 9th graders, East returns 5 10th graders from their team....these teams were better than us today, we can't just count on our 4 returners to get this team to state, we need to have improvement from all returning athletes and people to step it up to the next level.
Madison West Sectional
All WIAA Sectionals
- RSVP to for November 1st Team Banquet (@ Rocky's = $10 per person)
- Turn in uniforms to Coach Casey
- Turn in $5 to captains (for coaches' gifts and Thanksgiving Baskets)
- Attend Team Banquet to get information on Season Results, Team Certificates/Awards, and Off-Season Running/Lifting/Training options
Want to go watch state??
Talk to your captains as there will be some athletes heading to Wisconsin Rapids next weekend to watch the meet...Information on parking and shuttles
Monday, October 15, 2012
Big 8 Conference Championships - Varsity = 7th, JV1 = 2nd, JV2 = 5th
After having the Conference meet delayed from Saturday to Monday (for inclement weather that never arrived) the Madison Memorial Spartans took back to the Yahara CC Course to finish the season for JV runners and compare ourselves in one of the toughest (if not the toughest) conferences in the state. The course was much softer today then at City but the competition was just as stiff. We took our bumps and bruises today with a squad that has weathered many adversities this season. I was proud of how we competed and took away many positives from today. I hope our young runners caught the running bug and will put in the effort this off-season to return JMM Cross Country to the top of the Big 8 in all races for next season. I hope our seniors are proud of the accomplishments they made this season and continue to support our program in the future. As I wash another season of uniforms I hope every athlete who wore the "JMM" across their chest this season wore it with pride and will carry this tradition of hard work, perseverance, and dedication into every facet of their life.
Our JV 2 started the meet off for the program today and were led into battle by three freshman, two seniors, a junior, and a sophomore. I've commented all season on the efforts of our freshman group and I really hope to see some of these kids on our varsity very soon. For example, Ben B ran 19:34 on this same course for JV2 last season and earned his way onto varsity one year later through much hard work and training. Today Benton DD led all JV2 runners with his time of 18:58 for 12th place and Trevor R was 19:33 for 24th place. These freshman were joined by a great performance by senior Justin X who missed earning a ribbon by one spot with his 16th place 19:17. Nick S and Will B rounded out our scoring five with their 27th and 30th finishes and Matt J and Sam K gave us all 7 runners under 20 minutes for the race. With the soft conditions of the course there were not many PRs today but we did have lifetime PRs from Michael M (:16), Jack K (:16), Ben T (:04), Austin W (:21) and Michael Y (:22). I hope this group of guys can find some time in the off-season to do some running on their own or with teammates so they can see continued growth in their improvement as runners. The more miles we log on our legs the easier running becomes.
The performance of the day was turned in by our JV1 team. After finishing 3rd at the city meet this group had a chip on their shoulder that they took out on the rest of the Big 8 Conference. All five of our scorers in this race will return next season to compete for varsity spots and to improve not only our varsity but our JV1 team. We had control of this race early on and gave West a scare before slipping a little in the second half of the race. I was pleased with how well everyone competed in this race and delighted at our 2nd place finish. Mason R led the charge with a 17:50, followed closely by Jacob R and Hans H in 17:59 all three earned conference ribbons with their 6, 7, and 8th place finishes. Sam B ran a tough race to place 17th and Ben B hung on valiantly to finish 24th. Branavan Y and Chris D ran great last miles to help bump some important place scorers for other teams. The will and determination on these seniors' faces the last home stretch was priceless. I will issue the challenge for our 2013 JV squad today...can next year be the year that we break West JV's streak??? West returns 7 runners from today's race who ran under 18:45 and JMM returns 8 (not counting any of our injured runners). Do we have enough runners willing to work hard to tighten up the gaps and improve our JV 1. To win today's JV1 race West had 5 runners under 18:15...on the day they had 10 runners under 18:00. For second place our JV1 had 5 runners under 18:45 but we also had 10 runners under 18:00. Our goal for next season is to put 14 runners (on the same day) under 18:00 minutes and bring home a JV1 conference championship.
Our varsity team put a great effort together today for 7th place. Missing a runner who could pull a single digit for our team hurt our cause today. To perform well in this conference you need to have someone who can accomplish a top ten finish which today was 16:35. This should be a goal for every runner who returns for varsity next season, as we will need someone to step up and fill this role. This season our 3rd, 4th, and 5th runners were faster than our 4th place conference team on this same course last season. The chart below shows the difference a years make too as similar times yielded lower places (better competition this season). James A and Bryce H led the varsity with their 22nd and 23rd place finishes. Seniors Ryan W and Nick H stepped up well to run 34th and 38th and John H rounded out our scorers with 42 and giving us 5 runners under 17:46. Connor GT in 51st and Tyler M in 53 completed our varsity group today.
What do we need to do as we move forward as a varsity? Become a team who can come into the season ready to run PRs so we can spend our season improving our speed and becoming better racers. Teams that perform well in our conference (top 3 or 4) generally have at least 3 runners who can go under 17:00 all season long. This takes consistent training that begins during the summer and carries into the season. We return a lot of experience for next season but what will we do in the next 9 months to turn that experience into a Big 8 powerhouse team?
This season 82 high school boys came together for 9 weeks and were asked to run 3 - 9 mile distance runs, 6 - 10 mile workout days, do 100 pushups and 10minutes of abs, get 3.0 or better in their GPA, attend class on time everyday, remember to keep track of their uniforms (or any of their clothing), and improve themselves as a person. Very few young men will even try this and even fewer can accomplish this. I challenge every member of this team to sit down this week and contemplate which of these things they do well and which ones they still need to improve upon. One of my many philosophies in life is to take a weakness and work on improving it until it becomes a strong point. What will each of you work on improving next? Over the coming days and weeks I will have different updates about season recaps and statistics...I encourage all athletes and families to check back for the latest news.
Varsity - Team - Overall
JV1 - Team - Overall
JV2 - Team - Overall
Rock/Paper/Scissors - Justin H took down brother Noah H in a best of 5 championship match
TUESDAY PRACTICE FOR ALL ATHLETES - Athletes who are done competing will just meet with Coach Casey and receive end of the year handouts and information. Athletes will not be able to take the buses home, so everyone should plan for transportation around 4:15 - 4:30. Athletes who have not yet turned in their uniforms should do so on Monday. Also, athletes who have not yet given their captains $5 yet should do so ASAP (Thanksgiving baskets and Coach gifts)
Pictures from Stoughton, City, and Conference to be uploaded soon (sorry for the delay)
Sectionals @ Yahara Course (the Dump)
Saturday October 20th
Boys Race 11:00 (2011 Results)
Girls Race 11:45
Top two teams and top five individuals advance to state
Our JV 2 started the meet off for the program today and were led into battle by three freshman, two seniors, a junior, and a sophomore. I've commented all season on the efforts of our freshman group and I really hope to see some of these kids on our varsity very soon. For example, Ben B ran 19:34 on this same course for JV2 last season and earned his way onto varsity one year later through much hard work and training. Today Benton DD led all JV2 runners with his time of 18:58 for 12th place and Trevor R was 19:33 for 24th place. These freshman were joined by a great performance by senior Justin X who missed earning a ribbon by one spot with his 16th place 19:17. Nick S and Will B rounded out our scoring five with their 27th and 30th finishes and Matt J and Sam K gave us all 7 runners under 20 minutes for the race. With the soft conditions of the course there were not many PRs today but we did have lifetime PRs from Michael M (:16), Jack K (:16), Ben T (:04), Austin W (:21) and Michael Y (:22). I hope this group of guys can find some time in the off-season to do some running on their own or with teammates so they can see continued growth in their improvement as runners. The more miles we log on our legs the easier running becomes.
The performance of the day was turned in by our JV1 team. After finishing 3rd at the city meet this group had a chip on their shoulder that they took out on the rest of the Big 8 Conference. All five of our scorers in this race will return next season to compete for varsity spots and to improve not only our varsity but our JV1 team. We had control of this race early on and gave West a scare before slipping a little in the second half of the race. I was pleased with how well everyone competed in this race and delighted at our 2nd place finish. Mason R led the charge with a 17:50, followed closely by Jacob R and Hans H in 17:59 all three earned conference ribbons with their 6, 7, and 8th place finishes. Sam B ran a tough race to place 17th and Ben B hung on valiantly to finish 24th. Branavan Y and Chris D ran great last miles to help bump some important place scorers for other teams. The will and determination on these seniors' faces the last home stretch was priceless. I will issue the challenge for our 2013 JV squad today...can next year be the year that we break West JV's streak??? West returns 7 runners from today's race who ran under 18:45 and JMM returns 8 (not counting any of our injured runners). Do we have enough runners willing to work hard to tighten up the gaps and improve our JV 1. To win today's JV1 race West had 5 runners under 18:15...on the day they had 10 runners under 18:00. For second place our JV1 had 5 runners under 18:45 but we also had 10 runners under 18:00. Our goal for next season is to put 14 runners (on the same day) under 18:00 minutes and bring home a JV1 conference championship.
Our varsity team put a great effort together today for 7th place. Missing a runner who could pull a single digit for our team hurt our cause today. To perform well in this conference you need to have someone who can accomplish a top ten finish which today was 16:35. This should be a goal for every runner who returns for varsity next season, as we will need someone to step up and fill this role. This season our 3rd, 4th, and 5th runners were faster than our 4th place conference team on this same course last season. The chart below shows the difference a years make too as similar times yielded lower places (better competition this season). James A and Bryce H led the varsity with their 22nd and 23rd place finishes. Seniors Ryan W and Nick H stepped up well to run 34th and 38th and John H rounded out our scorers with 42 and giving us 5 runners under 17:46. Connor GT in 51st and Tyler M in 53 completed our varsity group today.
What do we need to do as we move forward as a varsity? Become a team who can come into the season ready to run PRs so we can spend our season improving our speed and becoming better racers. Teams that perform well in our conference (top 3 or 4) generally have at least 3 runners who can go under 17:00 all season long. This takes consistent training that begins during the summer and carries into the season. We return a lot of experience for next season but what will we do in the next 9 months to turn that experience into a Big 8 powerhouse team?
This season 82 high school boys came together for 9 weeks and were asked to run 3 - 9 mile distance runs, 6 - 10 mile workout days, do 100 pushups and 10minutes of abs, get 3.0 or better in their GPA, attend class on time everyday, remember to keep track of their uniforms (or any of their clothing), and improve themselves as a person. Very few young men will even try this and even fewer can accomplish this. I challenge every member of this team to sit down this week and contemplate which of these things they do well and which ones they still need to improve upon. One of my many philosophies in life is to take a weakness and work on improving it until it becomes a strong point. What will each of you work on improving next? Over the coming days and weeks I will have different updates about season recaps and statistics...I encourage all athletes and families to check back for the latest news.
Varsity - Team - Overall
JV1 - Team - Overall
JV2 - Team - Overall
Rock/Paper/Scissors - Justin H took down brother Noah H in a best of 5 championship match
TUESDAY PRACTICE FOR ALL ATHLETES - Athletes who are done competing will just meet with Coach Casey and receive end of the year handouts and information. Athletes will not be able to take the buses home, so everyone should plan for transportation around 4:15 - 4:30. Athletes who have not yet turned in their uniforms should do so on Monday. Also, athletes who have not yet given their captains $5 yet should do so ASAP (Thanksgiving baskets and Coach gifts)
Pictures from Stoughton, City, and Conference to be uploaded soon (sorry for the delay)
Sectionals @ Yahara Course (the Dump)
Saturday October 20th
Boys Race 11:00 (2011 Results)
Girls Race 11:45
Top two teams and top five individuals advance to state
Friday, October 5, 2012
City Championships - Varisty = 4th JV = 3rd
Tonight was a great meet for Madison Memorial. I was very pleased with how well our team ran tonight and the times we posted. Our team has persevered through many trials and tribulations this season but we continue to pull out meets like tonights. The team places we had tonight are not indicative of how well we ran but instead of how tough our city is to run in. We had 36 athletes run lifetime PRs tonight and 9 athletes break 18 minutes. With our patchwork team this is a very impressive feat. I would have never guessed this would only be good enough for 4th place in varsity and 3rd place in JV. It goes to show the importance of having a healthy and complete team and it goes to show when we are a team that can be tops in the city we can also be tops in the conference and state. I hope we learned from tonights experience and can carry this momentum into Conference and Sectional (both at will be hard to duplicate these times...but we might as well try :)
Our JV started off the day with an impressive performance putting all scorers under 18:11. Ryan W led the way with an impressive PR of 17:32 and there are plenty of years where this is fast enough to win JV city (this year it was good for 7th). John H wanted to break 18 minutes today and accomplished that by 22 seconds and earned himself a top 10 finish. Our 3, 4, 5 guys finished up together as Hans H, Sam B, and Mason R finished within a second of each other. The other times we competed here at Yahara our 5th JV guys were at 18:51 and 19:02...nice improvement since then. Seniors Chris D and Branavan Y completed our JV 1 heading into conference. Some big PRs at the city championships were Noah H (:37), Joe C (:56), John H (:33), Sam R (:39), Evan S (:44), Max C (1:30), Caleb H (1:24), Brendon P (:37), Ben S (:41), Connor S (1:25), and Trevor W (:37). I look forward to these kids finishing on a high note next Saturday at Conference. Be ready to bring your best to the dump next week.
I really can't explain the varsity race. It was amazing and crazy all in the same time. LaFollette put all five of their scorers in the top 10 and lost the meet. West put four runners in front of the number two team in the state's #2 runner. Our team had a 1 - 5 split of only :36 seconds (which is great) and had 4 runners under 17:30 and our 5th at 17:34 (which is great too). When you have five runners under 17:34 on this course you are running well but today that was only good for 4th place in the city. I challenge this group to come out again next week and repeat this performance and they will see nice rewards for such a performance. James A led our group today with a nice PR and dipping below 17 minutes for the first time in his career. He was followe closely by Bryce H and Tyler M. Nick H and Connor GT rounded out our top 5 both having PRs. Jacob R and Ben B did not dissappoint in their first varsity experiences both running PRs in the meet. Here's to hoping there are more varsity races in their future and even better PRs. We learned a lot about ourselves as a team today and will use this to help us take on the Big 8 next week Saturday.
Varsity (partial)
Saturday October 6th - Team Practice @ Zimmer Cross Country Course
8:00am ~ 9:45am - park in first lot (NOT BY THE CLUBHOUSE)
Saturday October 13th
Big 8 Conference Championships @ Yahara CC Course (the Dump)
BUS TIME - 7:30am
Boys JV2 - 9:10 am (2011 results)
Boys JV1 - 10:30 am (2011 results)
Varsity - 11:30 pm (2011 results)
Awards - 12:40 pm (Varsity - top 15 = medals, JV1 & JV2 - top 15 = ribbons)
ALL JV RUNNERS WILL TURN IN UNIFORMS SATURDAY AT THE MEET (bring a change of clothes) If uniforms are not turned in, a hold will be placed on athlete's academic records. Also, any lost unifroms must be paid for: top = $35 and bottom = $35
All athletes will be expected to be at meet until last race is completed and cool down jogs are run (even if leaving with parents)!!! Be there to support your teammates until the end!!!
Captains Money - Captains are collecting $5 from each athlete to help pay for Spartan Leaders' Thanksgiving Baskets (a service project our athletic department has participated in for nearly a decade) and for coaches gifts. Please help remind athletes this money should be turned in ASAP to help out the captains.
Monday October 15th - MANDATORY MEETING for ALL ATHLETES 3:45 till about 4:15
Athletes will recieve information about end of the season meets
Athletes will recieve information about end of the year banquet
Athletes who are not competing/practicing for Sectionals will be asked to clean out lockers
All athletes need to attend
Our JV started off the day with an impressive performance putting all scorers under 18:11. Ryan W led the way with an impressive PR of 17:32 and there are plenty of years where this is fast enough to win JV city (this year it was good for 7th). John H wanted to break 18 minutes today and accomplished that by 22 seconds and earned himself a top 10 finish. Our 3, 4, 5 guys finished up together as Hans H, Sam B, and Mason R finished within a second of each other. The other times we competed here at Yahara our 5th JV guys were at 18:51 and 19:02...nice improvement since then. Seniors Chris D and Branavan Y completed our JV 1 heading into conference. Some big PRs at the city championships were Noah H (:37), Joe C (:56), John H (:33), Sam R (:39), Evan S (:44), Max C (1:30), Caleb H (1:24), Brendon P (:37), Ben S (:41), Connor S (1:25), and Trevor W (:37). I look forward to these kids finishing on a high note next Saturday at Conference. Be ready to bring your best to the dump next week.
I really can't explain the varsity race. It was amazing and crazy all in the same time. LaFollette put all five of their scorers in the top 10 and lost the meet. West put four runners in front of the number two team in the state's #2 runner. Our team had a 1 - 5 split of only :36 seconds (which is great) and had 4 runners under 17:30 and our 5th at 17:34 (which is great too). When you have five runners under 17:34 on this course you are running well but today that was only good for 4th place in the city. I challenge this group to come out again next week and repeat this performance and they will see nice rewards for such a performance. James A led our group today with a nice PR and dipping below 17 minutes for the first time in his career. He was followe closely by Bryce H and Tyler M. Nick H and Connor GT rounded out our top 5 both having PRs. Jacob R and Ben B did not dissappoint in their first varsity experiences both running PRs in the meet. Here's to hoping there are more varsity races in their future and even better PRs. We learned a lot about ourselves as a team today and will use this to help us take on the Big 8 next week Saturday.
Varsity (partial)
Saturday October 6th - Team Practice @ Zimmer Cross Country Course
8:00am ~ 9:45am - park in first lot (NOT BY THE CLUBHOUSE)
Saturday October 13th
Big 8 Conference Championships @ Yahara CC Course (the Dump)
BUS TIME - 7:30am
Boys JV2 - 9:10 am (2011 results)
Boys JV1 - 10:30 am (2011 results)
Varsity - 11:30 pm (2011 results)
Awards - 12:40 pm (Varsity - top 15 = medals, JV1 & JV2 - top 15 = ribbons)
ALL JV RUNNERS WILL TURN IN UNIFORMS SATURDAY AT THE MEET (bring a change of clothes) If uniforms are not turned in, a hold will be placed on athlete's academic records. Also, any lost unifroms must be paid for: top = $35 and bottom = $35
All athletes will be expected to be at meet until last race is completed and cool down jogs are run (even if leaving with parents)!!! Be there to support your teammates until the end!!!
Captains Money - Captains are collecting $5 from each athlete to help pay for Spartan Leaders' Thanksgiving Baskets (a service project our athletic department has participated in for nearly a decade) and for coaches gifts. Please help remind athletes this money should be turned in ASAP to help out the captains.
Monday October 15th - MANDATORY MEETING for ALL ATHLETES 3:45 till about 4:15
Athletes will recieve information about end of the season meets
Athletes will recieve information about end of the year banquet
Athletes who are not competing/practicing for Sectionals will be asked to clean out lockers
All athletes need to attend
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